Community Grants 2024-2025

This is a preview of the Community Grants 2024-2025 form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.


* indicates a required field.

Welcome to the City of Swan's Grant and Sponsorship Program. 

Before starting your application, please read the Resource Guide and the Swan Community Grants Information Sheet for eligibility and assessment criteria.

Please ensure you have discussed your application with the Community Grants Team prior to submission. If you haven’t, please call (08) 9207 8693 or email as they are ready to help you.

Please allow at least 12 weeks for your application to be processed. Applications that are incomplete or received outside the minimum lead-time may not be processed in time.

Confirmation of eligibility

I have read and understood the Resource Guide and the Swan Community Grants Information Sheet * Required
I have discussed this application with the Community Grants Team * Required
I have no outstanding debts with the City of Swan * Required
I have acquitted all previous funding from the City of Swan * Required

I confirm that I:

  • Hold a current Certificate of Currency for Public Liability Insurance of $20 million (if applicable)
  • Am not requesting funding for a project that promotes the advancement of a political or religious organisation or lobby group
  • Am not requesting funding for a project that is part of or a duplication of a current Government service
  • Am not requesting funding for costs already funded by another grant or sponsorship
  • Am not requesting funding for recurrent or core operating costs
  • Am not requesting funding for reimbursement of costs that have already been incurred
  • Am not requesting support for Capital expenses
  • Will not attempt to contact or lobby an Elected Member of the City of Swan regarding this or another organisation's application
All statements are true: * Required

If you answered NO to any above eligibility questions you may not be eligible for a Swan Community Grant. Please contact the Community Grants Team on (08) 9207 8693 before proceeding with this application.